
Welcome to Canada's Premier Mortgage Blog

June 24, 2013

What the Heck is Happening to Five-Year Fixed-Mortgage Rates?

Last week borrowers saw five-year fixed-mortgage rates rise, and then rise again, ending the era of sub-3% five-year fixed rates … at least for the time being. Lenders raised their rates in reaction to surging Government of Canada (GoC) five-year bond yields, which have now increased by 66 basis points over the last seven weeks. As a first step toward understanding what all this means for our mortgage rates over the short and medium term, let’s start by taking a look at how we got to this point. The run-up in five-year GoC bond yields has occurred in three distinct phases which were fueled by separate but mutually reinforcing factors: I am an independent full-time mortgage broker and industry insider who helps Canadians from coast to coast. If […]