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November 27, 2017

The Mortgage Rule Changes That Need to Be Changed

On January 1, 2018, our regulators will implement a sixth round of mortgage rule changes as part of their ongoing attempts to slow our economy’s rate of mortgage debt accumulation. While I agree in principle with their instincts and with their earlier changes, I take issue with their most recent methodology. For example, in a recent post I criticized the decision to use an average of the posted rates at the Big Six Banks to set the stress-test rate, because posted rates aren’t actually used for lending and because relying on rates from a sub-group of lenders effectively means that the regulator is delegating de facto control over consumer access to mainstream borrowing. I also questioned whether 4.99% was the right rate to use and called on our […]
October 10, 2017

What Will September’s Accelerating Wage Growth Mean for Canadian Mortgage Rates?

We received the latest Canadian employment report, for September, last Friday and while it showed that our rate of job creation slowed, it also confirmed that average wages increased by 2.2% on a year-over-year basis. In today's post I offer my take on how this latest data might impact both our fixed and variable mortgage rates.